Poland’s first technology for converting
waste heat into cooling capacity.

Original solution resulting from R&D work in collaboration with Bialystok University of Technology as part of a completed research project:
POIR.01.01.01-00-0301/18 entitled. "Development of two refrigeration systems, driven by 200 kW and 600 kW of waste heat capacity, adapted to chilled water temperature and high-temperature cooling".

Technology based on MARANI invention patent application “Ejector-based Refrigeration Unit”

Ejectors manufactured by the Research and Development Center of Pneumatic Components and Systems Ltd. in Kielce (MARANI Ltd. subsidiary)

Design of multi-ejector systems based on MARANI invention patent application “Tank collector”

Proprietary control system.

Supersonic ejector


A key feature that distinguishes MARANI's stream cooling systems is the possibility of individual adjustment and optimisation of the system in terms of the characteristics of the available waste heat source and individual customer requirements and parameters on the side of the produced cooling capacity. We offer a comprehensive service that can be extended to the design and construction of the necessary intermediate circuits or selection of equipment for the distribution of cooling capacity. The construction and operation of cooling equipment can be outsourced.
Design and build in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the EU standards for:
- Pressure Equipment Directive (PED 2014/68/EU)
- Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)
- Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives EMC (2014/30/EU)
- Low Voltage Directive LVD (2014/35/EU)
- Refrigeration standards EN 378-1+A1:2021-03 and EN 378-2:2017-03
CE-marked systems with a notified body
We have our own certified construction technology and the production process is carried out in accordance with the applicable standards under the supervision of a notified body.
High performance factor and system reliability due to the simplicity of the design and optimisation of the process at the plant design stage together with the automation and safety system
Modern HFO refrigerants and natural refrigerants with minimal environmental impact factors
Wide adaptability of parameters of the cooled medium or cooled space with the possibility of improving the energy efficiency ratio from standard parameters of 6oC/12oC to high temperature parameters of 16oC/19oC
Possibility of efficient use of ultra-low waste heat <70oC
We offer cooling units with drive thermal outputs from 100 to 600 kW, achieving cooling capacities of up to 200 kW.
At the heart of the system is a supersonic jet of MARANI's own design, acting as a compressor from a standard refrigeration system. Its on-design operation guarantees stable operation of the refrigeration system with constant efficiency.
It makes it possible to replace a standard compressor refrigeration system by achieving significant electricity savings. The electrical power required to drive the circulating pump is only about 1% of driving thermal power.
Full integration and control of the deployed chiller streams from the Marani24 platform - a system for remote control, monitoring and archiving of unit operating parameters, with multi-level access via a web browser for maintenance, service technicians and the end user.
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MARANI is a supplier of complete jet chiller units designed, optimised and tailored to individual customer needs and conditions on the waste heat side. We offer chillers with drive thermal power from 100 to 600 kW. Depending on the conditions, a solution with a single chiller or several units working together is proposed, guaranteeing flexibility of operation depending on the available waste heat.

standard temperature cooling


standard chilled water parameters 6oC/12oC COP from 0.25 for low temperature sources (~70oC) use for air handling units

high temperature cooling


high-temperature chilled water parameters 16oC/19oC COP from 0.3 for low-temperature sources (~70oC) use with no humidity control required

Benefits of development
waste heat for electricity generation

The use of waste heat to generate electricity has a number of benefits for both the environment and the economy:

The utilisation of waste heat to generate cooling capacity influences the assessment of the energy efficiency of the entire plant, especially in the perspective of replacing existing standard cooling systems. The aspect of improving the energy efficiency of an entire industrial plant is particularly evident when the cooling capacity is used to cool machinery, processes or process fluids, which has a direct impact on improving process parameters, further improving the efficiency of producing the final product. In addition,

Generation of cooling capacity using  waste heat generates significant savings compared to a standard energy-intensive compressor cooling system, which is often used as a chiller for chilled water or process medium or for air conditioning purposes. If a source of waste heat is available, such systems can be confidently replaced by MARANI chillers. Below is an example of the use of waste heat from an air compressor oil system with a total drive power of 400kWel, which also took into account the savings resulting from not having to switch on the cooler fans of the oil air compressors after waste heat collection was ensured.

The production of cooling capacity from waste heat, which was normally lost to the atmosphere through emissions and often requires the consumption of additional energy for its ejection, has a positive impact on the environment because it takes place with significantly less electricity consumption than standard refrigeration systems, so it is cooling capacity put into circulation without the additional carbon footprint created when it is produced.

There are two types of waste heat driven refrigeration systems: sorption systems and jet systems. The most common sorption systems are bromolite systems designed to operate with a driving medium of more than 80oC, due to the low degree of outgassing achieved. Such systems are usually found as installations with high heat and cooling capacities, which limits the use of small waste heat sources. Moreover, they are characterised by low operating pressures requiring appropriate servicing and additional costs, e.g. through the use of vacuum pumps. One alternative to absorption refrigeration systems is a system based on jet technology. Its unquestionable advantages are mainly flexibility, low investment cost, lack of moving parts and maintenance-free operation. It is a unique technology that allows the use of waste heat from industrial processes with temperatures below 70oC, including the oil system cooling the air compressors, to produce cooling capacity.

The use of waste or process heat in a process where it is necessary to lower the temperature of a medium also contributes to the optimisation of the process itself by eliminating additional systems working only to lower the temperature. In such a case, there is an additional process and economic benefit in the form of simultaneous implementation of a part of the process, i.e. cooling of the medium or working fluid, resulting from the use of the heat source to drive the cooling system and the generation of cooling capacity at a low temperature level for use in another process or for improving the comfort of employees.

In the case of medium- and high-temperature heat sources, it is possible to compose a trigeneration system. Waste heat can be used in the first instance to drive the MARANI ORC system producing electricity. The cooled heat stream can then be used to drive the MARANI CHILLER system generating cooling capacity. Subsequently, the heat from the lower sources of both systems (heat of condensation) can be used for heating purposes or the preparation of domestic hot water.

Energy efficiency, waste heat recovery and self-generation of cooling capacity also have a positive impact on the very assessment of the entrepreneur's attractiveness, maturity and technological and energy awareness. It adds value to the assessment of the enterprise by potential investors, investment financiers and those distributing funds for retrofits under support programmes, or by the end customers themselves. The implementation of sustainable operations and the reduction of the carbon footprint contributes to brand value and market recognition, and is also an element of image competition.

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